Welcome to your dedicated space !
From now on, you can buy your tickets fort the shows held in Kingersheim. Chose what you want to see or take the professional journey, no preliminary online accreditation is necessary.
For the organised professional journey
Only by phone, between 2nd and 13th January.
For customizable all audiences performances
Via the online ticket office, selecting the professional price, or by phone.
Performances without a professional price are performances where there are none or no more professional seats available. We rely on you not to buy all audiences tickets for these performances in order to guarantee seats for families.
For customizable school performances
Only by phone, between 2nd and 13th January.
Please note
- For all orders by phone, make sure to have your credit card to pay immediately : we dont accept reservations.
- The tickets cannot be returned or exchanged.
- The reservations for shows at partner sites are to be made directly from them.
At the ticket office opening hours : by phone : 00 33 3 89 50 68 52
At the festival ticket office : 27 rue de Hirschau, 68260 Kingersheim
By email : for any further questions, please contact Marie at the following address pro@crea-kingersheim.fr
Reservations cannot be made by email.

Times for professionals
Take care of children and young people.
By le TiGrE -réseau jeune public Grand Est, in partnership with l’Agence culturelle Grand Est and Scènes d’Enfance-Assitej France, Sunday January 29th 2023 from 11.00 to 12.45, at the Maison de la Citoyenneté- register directly with the TiGrE via this link.
An artistic exchange time, children and young people projects
By the Agence Culturelle Grand Est, Sunday February 5th 2023 from 9.30 to12.45 at the Maison de la Citoyenneté -only for programmers- register directly with the Agence culturelle via this link.
Chain Reaction
This project was born in 2019 and is subsidized by the Italian Ministry of Culture. The main objective of the project is to build bridges to the international by creating conditions for cooperation, and to better understand the cultural systems of the different countries by strengthening relations between Italy and other countries, through a networking of the international scene dedicated to children and youth.
Meals for professionals
To have lunch at the sheds, partner restaurant of the festival, it’s imperative to anticipate your reservation during January, via the link of reservation www.les-sheds.com/momixpro
See you very soon !